Monday, November 2, 2009

Recession....where i seemed to loose all,but yet not all

Just don't know,
why this happened with me,
things are so confusing,
which once greeted with glee..
why am i the one,
trapped in this crowd,
there seems to be no opening,
where i can find my ground..
it was a time once,
when i dreamed of earning in dollars,
now is a time,
where i dream to earn..
still waiting for the day,
when these gray cloud disappears,
and am the one,
who conquers this fear..
Only then i ll have,
the dignity to wave at the ones who are near,
and only then i ll have,
the will to lead with utmost cheer..
All the boards,
would be calling me around,
then i ll be the one,
to accept or reject their pounds..
Then will the time,
i have been waiting for so long,
i ll ask her for the ring,
and there will be no obstructing moron..
know this is no time,
to dream so big,
but these are the moments,
i can still cherish..
this is no dream,
but my true life,
and am still ready,
to put up a fight....

1 comment:

ashis's blog said...

we frnd's r really proud of u capabilities ...........the rap is just awasome .......descriped the originality of today's future.......we r xpecting mre post's frm u .............u had a gr8 future ahead mady(mada).........there is a hidden writer inside u dn't let it death.........................