Monday, July 1, 2013

Blunt Truth of Indian Economy !!

India Outsourced
Late in the day, clock strikes noon and half of my people in the city are still sleeping. Strange but true, today residing in one of the four metropolitan of my developing nation, is still dizzy for the day, they are hungover with work, family and life. What, why and how’s are things we have stopped asking since a longtime now. With what’s left, we have one hope we still rely on and that’s “Time will solve all our problems, all will be stabilized and probably that we will learn to live, this way or that way”.

India, a nation we always have held pride for, and will continue to be proud of it all our lives, does not matters what worse we have seen down here - the struggling population, the under-powered & deployed youth, the highly sophisticated but non-functional government and last, an agro based country which still prays for monsoons, coz without nature’s mercy, our farmers are rusted iron rods. The Country’s GDP still reads 72378.12 Indian Rupees, of an economy which is the 9th ranked over the globe. 1947 – 2013, 66 Years passed down the slide of the calendars and time which should have differed by total indifference, is today only a mirror flip of the past. Climbing the ladders on global scale by being member of hundreds of councils and meets, what is exactly that we have implemented for ourselves, our jam packed crowds, our still struggling youth and the ever challenged women.

Umpteen promises of the ruling parties forming government, unexpected financial crunches of the MNCs, the never ending scandals of the people in operation, and the natural disasters, nothing comes to mind when I take down the data of this country in a blink. Generations changed, mindset changed, advancements tagged in, literacy increased drastically, but what we have been left with, deep fissures in our plates, insecure about the very next moment in our lives as is our economy, how deep are we rooted to our banyan. The answer remains that we do not know. We remain fancy props dancing to the tunes, an average crowd that we still form. Fathers still worry of age, not because that they do not have dough to roll their old age, but coz their young firing guns have romped out of the Indian Gates. And who have remained are either compromisingly frustrated as outsource checkpoints, and the pending rest, who Facebook.

Late in primary school, we came to know about the rural-urban differences in India, the ill history that had drubbed them miles behind on the roads of development, of the whole that I have seen better in the past two decades I have inhaled for, is infrastructure. Honestly, it is the only mainstay we have got support for & built, managed after so many Swiss bank transactions. Gandhi, Nehru, Singh, Patel, Shastri and drenched in blood & sweat had us many stories narrated, but which of those I should believe. My country is only a tight buttoned democracy, the only democrats that I have seen alive here are a section of society which enjoys privileges by the income they earn as celebrities, sons of “families”, the khadi team and not the mentionable.
And a bulk of my generation still outsources its life to IT,which has built many dreams but at the same time, drowned many potentials. The most recent trend, is the dumping of resignations in bulk & later repenting, coz when it happens, it seems the best decision, but sadly the gates outside remain closed. Thanks again to our dibbly dobbly economy with multiple dependencies. 

Where am I? How do I race my generation? How do we contribute? Of what seems the possible plan, is to close our eyes, earn our mysterious CtCs, dip our tongues in sugar for appraisals and one fine day retire with a lush flat in the city, and wait for my life to get over. So after all this while, I come back to my topic, “India Outsourced”, which the world outside will read the other way, but the fact, it is the truth. So many deters, so many challenges, who do we ask to return, who do we ask to stay or just like one of my colleagues at work, who has a line jotted at his place “ This too shall pass”.